Saturday, 22 December 2007

Counting Chimps

It has been known for a while that chimps are more evolved than humans - well, their genome has changed more than ours since our common ancestor - but recent studies have shown that chimps have outstanding numeracy abilities that outstrip our own in some cases.

Sponsor for this week's show - GotoMeeting: Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

This week in the last Mr Science Show for 2007, we take a look at these special chimp abilities. Listen to the show here.

You can find more info on Plus and if you are not convinced, take a look at these videos:

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Let's have a ramble about quantum physics

Sponsor for this week's show - GotoMeeting: Try GotoMeeting free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit

Quantum Physics is a confusing topic for many. One person who makes a living out of understanding and explaining it is Professor Tony Sudbery.

I spoke to Professor Sudbery at the York Science Festival about all things quantum and his talk at the Festival entitled Alice and Bob in the Quantum Wonderland. Frankly, I was baffled by much of this conversation, although it was a thoroughly enjoyable chat!

You can listen to this show here