Sunday, 26 October 2008

So, you think you can dance...

We've explored the overlap between music and science before, but what's dance got to do with science?

The 2009 AAAS Science Dance Contest is just around the corner, so if you're a scientist with a deep longing to express your innermost scientific thoughts through dance, then this is for you. The contest is open to anyone who has (or is pursuing) a PhD in any scientific field.

What you need to do is:
  1. Make a video of your own PhD dance;
  2. Post the video on YouTube;
  3. Email your name, the title of your thesis, and the video link to by 16 November 2008.
On 17 November 2008, a total of four winners will be chosen from the following categories:
  1. Graduate Student
  2. Postdoc
  3. Professor
  4. Popular Choice
If you are lucky enough to win one of these categories, you will need to provide a single peer-reviewed research article on which you are a co-author. You will be paired with a professional choreographer and over the following weeks you will help your choreographer understand the article (via e-mail and telephone). Then the four choreographers will collaborate to create a single four-part dance based on the winning research articles.

You will then be an honoured guest at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, where on 13 February 2009, you will have front-row seats to the world debut of "THIS IS SCIENCE" - your dance creation. Accommodation in Chicago will be provided, and grants are available for travel expenses.

To read more about last year's competition, see sciencemag and gonzolabs.

Stay tuned to this website as we are going to follow this contest, and I have already roped in a couple of my PhD friends to enter - or at least, they're thinking about it...


  1. This is AWESOME! Too bad there isn't a category for Master's

  2. You will be paired with a professional choreographer and over the following weeks you will help your choreographer understand the article drywall repair services near me.
