Tuesday, 29 August 2006

Sorry for the delay...

Hi Readers / Listeners,

Just a quick note to say sorry for the delay in this week's Mr Science post and podcast. I have been on holidays overseas, and recently contracted myself a case of Delhi belly, so there will be a little bit of a delay.

But, never fear, the podcast will hopefully be quite interesting. I have recorded thoughts and interviews (both sciencey and non-sciencey) whilst on my travels and will edit together shows about science in the Philippines and India. We will tackle serious topics such as science in the developing world and ecology, as well as less serious and light hearted topics like balut. I was also going to do Hong Kong, however Delhi belly took hold whilst I was there, so instead I am going to do a show on travel diseases, drawing on my own first hand experiences, and those of my travel buddy, my brother James.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Readers! Apologies for the delay in this week's Mr. Science. After a vacation filled with adventure (plus a case of Delhi belly), I'm excited to share insights from my travels in the Philippines and India. Topics range from serious science to fun ones like balut. While I couldn't cover Hong Kong, I'll discuss travel diseases influenced by my experiences. In the meantime, try out the Snow rider game for a thrilling distraction!
