Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Ep 115 (Enhanced): Dust storms in Sydney

The dust is finally starting to clear from Sydney, leaving a ruddy orange layer of muck all over the city. This podcast goes with our previous article Red Sydney, and as well as being a description of the science involved, is a video slide show of photos of the dust-storm. All the photos in this enhanced podcast come from flickr and are available to use under Creative Commons licences.

Watch the following youtube video, or download the wmv or mp4 versions - mp4 will play on your ipod, wmv is slightly higher quality:

The photos come from the following flickr users (click to see the original photo):
And after you've checked out the above podcast and photo links, have a look at this - this is a video of a couple driving into a dust storm in Broken Hill, NSW. Amazing!


  1. I'm so glad that theater management software exists to help keep track of everything going on during a performance. Dust storms in Sydney can be a real pain to clean up, but with this software, it's a breeze!
