Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Science on Stage

Dr Christopher Pettigrew, a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Biochemistry in University College Cork, is no stranger to putting science on stage.

With the 2009 AAAS Dance your PhD competition up-and-running, we decided for this week's episode of the podcast to chat to Chris about his experiences in the public performance of science.

Chris has been involved in the communication of many difficult subjects through artistic means, such using interpretive dance to explain the Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) and DNA . Chris plans on building upon his experiences in Australian theatre whilst in Cork, Ireland. As Dr Pettigrew says:

"Nothing says Double Helix like a rapid twirl."

Listen to his podcast here:

The 2009 AAAS Dance your PhD final contestants have been selected. To read more about them and watch their videos, visit The 2009 AAAS Science Dance Contest homepage.

Do you have any scientific ideas that you would like to see put on stage? Please let us know by leaving a comment here, or by emailing us.


  1. I'm thinking of applying for a PhD scholarship... I'm not too fussed what the research will be - I just want to be able to choreograph a piece at the end of it - why else would you bother doing a PhD?

    We often hear about the creative side of scientists - but it's usually art or music. Well done for providing an avenue for the boot scooting, toe tapping, first, second, third, fourth, fifth position finding scientists out there

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    The sender expresses their interest in participating in the upcoming "Science on Stage" event, stating their passion for science education and their expertise in translating complex scientific concepts into accessible presentations. They believe the event provides an excellent opportunity to inspire others and promote STEM education in an interactive way. They are eager to discuss their contributions and would appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with the organizers and fellow science enthusiasts.
