
Dr BoobChris Pettigrew (dr boob) is an Australian currently living in Boston, having recently moved from the Department of Biochemistry at University College Cork. Known as Dr Boob because of his PhD and post-doc work in breast cancer, Chris has put science on stage and into dance, and is currently biochemically designing superheroes.
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Darren Osborne is a shining light of Australian science communication (we think so). He is currently editor of ABC Science Online having been editor of The Helix Magazine (where he supervised a young Marc on work experience). Darren and Marc co-founded The Beer Drinking Scientists podcast.
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James West was the very first producer of the show, when The Mr Science Show first aired on China Radio International. Former producer of the current affairs program Hack on radio Triple J, James published Beijing Blur in 2009 and is currently being actively sought by commercial television.
More James...

Quentin Atkinson
The evolution of language in Europe

Sitaram Asur
Ep 130: Using Twitter to predict Movie Box Office Revenue (and the future...)

Nadia Baker
The Enigma Machine

Lisa Bailey
Reflections on the London Science Blogging Conference

Rafael Bartkowski
Ep 114: The Science of Coffee

Anita Beck
Sex Before Sport?

Hayley Birch
Ep 94: The Geek Pop Virtual Music Festival

Tilly Boleyn
Ep 111: The Ultimo Science Festival, and sending text messages to aliens

Victoria Bond
Ep 123: Remote Medicine

Rob Brooks
Ep 136: Sexual Selection

Senator Bob Brown
Ep 133: Senator Bob Brown on Science Policy for the 2010 Australian Election

Matt Brown
Crawl of London Science Pubs

Chris Budd
How maths can save your life, Euler and Plus Magazine

Nick Davis
Ep 106: The Global Financial Crisis - The Mathematical Causes

Rod Dowler
Ep 155: Fact or Fiction with ANSTO 

Rob Duffield
Science, Cricket, Fitness and Psychology

Rob Eastaway
Ep 107: Ranking Cricketers

Marcus Finlay
Ep 93: Communicating Mathematics with the Masses

Tom Gordon
Ep 160: 2015 The Year of Light

Chris Gore
Ep 131: The Science of Sport at Altitude

Jacqui Hayes
Ep 111: The Ultimo Science Festival, and sending text messages to aliens

Sue Hordienko
York Science Festival Episode 1

Luke Hunter
Ep 101: Molecular Design

Charles Lineweaver
Ep 128: Another demotion for Pluto? Or is it about to become King of the Dwarfs?

Jon Lomberg
Ep 112: Jon Lomberg, the Voyager Gold Record, and the movie Contact

Ryszard Maleszka
Ep 137: Can your environment change your DNA?

Jamos McAlester
Ep 93: Communicating Mathematics with the Masses

Ben McNeil
Katarina Mikac
Ep 104: Invasion Genetics

Satyam Mukherjee
Ep 153: Complex Network Analysis in Cricket

Bianca Nogrady
Carol Oliver
Ep 118: Astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life

The Ordinary Guy
Your favourite fictional scientists - the podcast

Barry Phipps
Exhibition Design, where art and science meet

Louis Ptáček
Ep 135: Why do I sneeze at the Sun?

Madeleine Shepherd
Maths in the Movies

Stephanie Schuckers
Biometrics - Securing the Border

Kylie Smith
Ep 138: The health benefits of breakfast

Tony Sudbery
Let's have a ramble about quantum physics

Tim Surendonk
Where to now for cold fusion?

Daniel Tan
Ep 162: Pulsating Pulses

Terence Tao
Ep 116: Terence Tao and Prime Numbers

Manuel Terron
Ep 113: The science of cocktails

Cor Vink 
Ep 140: The Redback Spider invasion of New Zealand

Jonathan Webb
Ep 127: Conditioning quolls against cane toads

Lachlan Whatmore
Ep 110: Coral, the Stone Henge of the Pacific, and more of the sights, sounds and science of Tonga

Alan Wilton
Ep 129: The domestication of the dog and the Australian dingo

Vox Pop